Adding a new hire

When an employer hires a new employee, you can add the employee's information directly or use the Add New Hire task to enter that person's information into Sage HRMS. That information is used throughout Sage HRMS to perform tasks such as running a process or printing an employee report.

Tip: Before you begin the Add New Hire task, gather all the necessary information to enter for the employee, such as personal information, job and salary information, and benefit selections.

To add a new employee:

  1. Select Employees > Tasks > Add New Hire.
  2. On the Add New Employee page, enter basic information about the new employee.

    The employee's last name, social security number, employer, and state are required on the New Employee tab. You can also enter the employee's address on this tab as well as information on the Job and Pay tab.

  3. When you finish entering the basic information for the new employee, you have two choices:

    • Click Add to add the new employee and then continue adding other employees.

    • Click Steps to add the employee and continue with the Add New Hire task to add additional information about the employee.

    Note: If you forget to enter any required information or enter an invalid value, Sage HRMS displays a message and automatically highlights the item so you can add the information.

  4. If you clicked Steps:

    1. On the Steps for Record New Hire Task page, select the Complete check boxes for the steps you want to complete now. Select the Schedule check boxes for the steps to schedule for yourself or another user to do later.

      Note: Some steps may not be applicable to the employee you are hiring. For example, if the employee has no dependents, you do not have to perform the Dependents and Beneficiaries step.

    2. Click OK to start moving through the steps.

Steps in the Add New Hire task