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Message Help

Confirmations and Warnings

Access Denied. <....> in use by another user

Account is locked out

Account is not active

Are you sure you want to delete .... ?

Attempt to access a locked record

Attempt to modify a different record

Before proceeding with activation...

Cannot access the .... directory

Cannot access database

Cannot access IAPPAK.BIN in the SITE directory.

Cannot access table

Cannot access the database software

Cannot create print file

Cannot execute database driver

Cannot find required system data files

Cannot initialize database driver

Cannot obtain access to data

Cannot read restart information

Company database is locked

Deleting this optional table (code) will cause errors

Directory does not exist or is a file

Do you want to save .... ?

Earlier processing was not completed

Error accessing view

Error loading NWIPXSPX.DLL

Error in view

Errors were found in the application data

Folder contains items

Incompatible application versions

Incorrect version of database software

Incorrect version of the License Manager program

Invalid database password

Invalid database specification

Invalid Input. Password must be at least X characters long

Invalid Input. Password must contain both letters and digits

Invalid input. Passwords may not be re-used

Invalid input. User ID has been disabled

Invalid input. User ID has been locked out

Invalid input. User ID is not authorized to sign on at this time

Invalid input. User password may not be changed

Invalid user ID

One or more old optional fields uses an optional table...

Password change is required

Record already exists

Record has been modified by another application

Record not found

Report already exists

Save changes to .... ?

Stopped processing at record...

System database is locked

The date entered lies outside the range

The fiscal period containing the session date is not active

The fiscal year does not span one entire year

The License Manager application has been damaged

The License Manager application has returned an error

The log file already exists

The session date does not fall within one of the calendar's fiscal periods

This file already exists

This version of <application> requires a newer version of the System Manager

Transaction active

Unable to Synchronize with Time Server

Unknown database error

Unknown error

Unknown view error

You cannot open this company because another task has locked the database

You cannot open the application database for this company because another task has locked the database

You cannot sign on to this company because it uses a different application version than the company that is currently open

You do not have enough Windows system resources to start this application

You do not have the most current workstation files

You have reached the maximum number of concurrent users for your LanPak license

Your password expires today. Do you want to change it now?