Earlier Processing was Not Completed

followed by:

  • Check with the system administrator before proceeding.

    This message indicates that a restart record exists for your user ID. A task that you tried to perform was not completed. Ask your system administrator for assistance.

  • Use Restart Maintenance to see which operations stopped due to errors.
  • This message indicates that restart records exist for your Sage HRMS Payroll users. As the system administrator, you need to use Restart Maintenance to look at these records and determine why they were created.


Restart records are created when a process stops due to an error condition (for example, an error in an imported record) or when a process is interrupted (for example, when a computer is turned off or a storm halts the electrical supply).

  • If a restart record describes an error condition, you must correct the problem before the user can resume processing. Only after the error is fixed can you delete the restart record.
  • If a restart record describes an interrupted process, the user can simply resume the process where it left off. DO NOT DELETE THE RESTART RECORD before the process continues, or the application will not know where to resume.