Company Database is Locked / System Database is Locked

In Pervasive.SQL databases, these messages mean that:

  • Workstations on your network are using two different methods to gain access to the accounting database (Requester and Client Engine).
  • Workstations using the Client Engine have the SharingOnRemoteFiles setting in the BTI.INI file set to SingleEngine.

Requester or Client Engine

Workstations can use the Pervasive.SQL Requester to access Pervasive.SQL databases on a network server, or the Pervasive.SQL Client Engine. Note, however, that both methods cannot be used on the same network.

Usually, mixed access arises because you have chosen one access method, but one or more workstations are not set up properly -- for example, a workstation may be set to use the Requester, but may not have the correct files in the Windows \SYSTEM folder, so the Requester is not being used.

How to Find Out whether You Are Running a Requester or Client Engine

You can tell which access method a workstation is using by checking the BTI.INI file in the workstation’s Windows folder.

If you are using the Requester, the BTI.INI file in the Windows folder of each workstation must have the following entry -- and the requester files must be installed in the Windows \SYSTEM folder on the workstation.



If the Requester line is set to NO, or the Requester files are not in the \SYSTEM folder, the application will use the Client Engine.

If you are using the Client Engine, the SharingOnRemoteFiles entry in the BTI.INI file of each workstation must be set to MultiEngine (as shown in the following example) for more than one workstation to use files simultaneously.

[Btrieve Client]


If you are using the Requester, the application will not use the Client settings.

For more information

If you are using a server version of Pervasive.SQL, refer to the Pervasive.SQL documentation.