About the Earning/Deduction Codes G/L Distribution Tab

On this tab you can set up a set of default general ledger distribution accounts, for use when posting amounts for this earning/deduction to the General Ledger.

Posting to Cost Centers

  • If you want to post to many cost centers, use the override feature. You need set up only one "base" distribution account on the Earning/Deduction Codes G/L Distribution tab and then you can use the override feature for employees and on timecards to distribute to multiple cost centers.
  • A base distribution account might consist of the account segment plus zeros for the segments that will be overridden on an employee-by-employee basis. For example, if the three-digit department segment of your overtime distribution account will always be overridden by the department in which an employee works overtime, you would set up the base distribution account as 6401-000. You will later set up overrides at the employee level of, say, 101, 102, 103, and 104.

  • If you have only one or two cost centers, you can set up the accounts on the distribution tab and ignore the override feature.

For information about the other tabs on the Earning/Deduction Codes window, view the topics below: