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Setting Up Earning/Deduction Codes
Adding an Earning or Deduction Code
Before you start
To add an earning, deduction, benefit, or accrual
- Open Payroll > Payroll Setup > Earning/Deduction Codes.
- In the Earning/Deduction field, type a six-character code identifying the earning/deduction.
- In the Description field, type a description of up to 30 characters.
- Type a short description of up to 15 characters. The system prints as much of the short description on T4s and Relevé 1s W-2s as will fit, so make the first characters meaningful. The short description may display on reports and data entry windows to save space.
- At the Category field, select the category from the list.
- At the Type field (that displays for earnings, advances, accruals and benefits), select the type from the list.
- At the Employee and Employer Calculation Method fields, when applicable, select the calculation method from the list.
Note: The window's tabs and fields may change, according to the earning/deduction category, the type, and the calculation method. You will see only the appropriate tabs and fields for each category/type/calculation method.
- Add the rest of the earning/deduction information.
- When you have completed the information, click .
- If you have not entered all the required fields, the program will prompt you to enter the missing information.