Creating an Employee Selection List

You can use this procedure to create reporting selection lists for a main selection list. Reporting lists can contain only the employees in the main selection list. See Tips to create reporting lists at the end of this procedure.

Before you start

Decide which employees to include in your selection lists and how you want the lists named.

To Create an Employee Selection List

  1. Open Payroll > Tasks > Employee Selection.
  2. Enter the following fields at the top of the window:
    • Selection List. Enter a code, up to eight characters, to identify the employee selection list you are setting up.
    • Description. Enter a description of the selection list, using up to 60 characters.
  3. In the table, enter the employees to be included in this list. Enter the Employee Number column only. The remaining columns are display only and you cannot edit them. You can add employees to a list in the following ways:
    • Manually enter employees one at a time. Type the employee numbers or select the employees from the Finder. When you select an employee number and proceed to the next field or line, the program displays the employee's name, pay frequency, and employment status (Active, Inactive, Terminated). To add another employee, highlight an existing employee line and press Insert on your keyboard.
    • Automatically enter several employees, by using the windows that open when you click the Copy, Criteria, or Combine buttons, as explained below. You can then manually add more employees to the table (or delete them), if necessary.
    • To enable these buttons, do not enter any employee numbers in the table. After Payroll returns employee data to the Employee Selection window, the buttons are no longer available.
  4. To delete an employee from the table, highlight the line for the employee, press Delete on your keyboard, then choose Yes at the message that displays.

  5. Click the Add button when you finish.

Tips to create reporting lists

  • To create a reporting list, you can use the Copy button to copy all of the employees from the main selection list, and then delete the employees who are not in the reporting list. Repeat this process for each reporting list that you want to create.
  • After you create the reporting lists, you may want to confirm whether all employees in the main list have been assigned to one of the reporting lists. In the following example, two reporting lists (RPTLIST1 and RPTLIST2) have been created for a main list.
    1. Enter a new Selection List code (for example, a temporary selection list called MISSING1, which can be deleted later).
    2. Click the Combine button.
    3. Enter the main selection list code in one Selection List field, and RPTLIST1 in the other.
    4. Click Combine Non-Matching Entries and Add.

      The new selection list (MISSING1) contains all of the employees from the main list that are not included in RPTLIST1.

    5. Enter a new Selection List code (for example, MISSING2) and click the Combine button.
    6. Enter MISSING1 in one Selection List field, and RPTLIST2 in the other.
    7. Click Combine Non-Matching Entries.

The new selection list (MISSING2) contains all of the employees that are not included in either RPTLIST1 or RPTLIST2.

After creating the selection list

Print a listing of the selection lists you defined, to verify that they are correct and complete:

  • From Payroll Employee Reports, choose Employee Selection.

Additional information

After you have created selection lists, you can use the Assign Selection Lists function to quickly add (or remove) employees to selection lists.