Absences by Day

The Absences by Day analysis enables you analyze the absenteeism in your enterprise, employer or individual organization levels. You can see which employees were absent on a particular day of the week as well as the reason they were absent. Time Off collects information from the employees’ absence transactions page and displays the pertinent information for analysis.

To Use the Absences by Day Analysis

  1. From the main menu, select Analysis > Attendance > Absences by Day. The data list box displays summary information for the enterprise since the Enterprise Employees branch is automatically selected.
    The data list box displays a row for each day of the week. Each row lists the total number of employees who were absent and the total number of absences on that day of the week. Time Off calculates the average absences per employee for each day of the week.
  2. To see information at the various organization levels within an employer, click the plus signs (+) to expand the tree.
  3. Click to highlight the selection for which you want to view more detailed information. For example, if you want to see information for your employer’s organization level 2, highlight Level 2. The data list box shows detailed information for each of the organization codes in Level 2.
  4. To view the enterprise information at a more detailed level, select the Show Details check box. The data list box shows more detailed analysis information for each employee who was absent during the specified date range.
  5. Click the More Columns button to expand the data list box.