Training Location codes

Use the training location codes to set up training locations and enter training location information.

To add or edit a training location code

  1. Select Setup > Training > Code Tables > Training Locations.
  2. On the Training Locations page for Employer, select the employer (or Enterprise) whose training location codes table you want to change.
  3. To add a new training location, click Add.

    To change information about an existing training location, highlight the row with that training location and click More.

  4. On the Training Locations Detail page:

    For a new training location, enter the new Code and Description, and then enter information on the tabs.

    For an existing training location, make your changes to the training location information on the tabs.

  5. Click OK.

    If you added a new training location, it is added to the table on the Training Locations page.

Tabs on the Training Locations Detail page