Instructor codes

Use the instructor codes to set up instructors for your courses and enter their information.

To add or edit an instructor code

  1. Select Setup > Training > Code Tables > Instructors.
  2. On the Instructors page for Employer, select the employer (or Enterprise) whose instructor code table you want to change.

    The table on this page shows the codes and names of instructors that are already set up for this employer.

  3. To add a new instructor, click Add.

    To change information about an existing instructor, highlight the row with that instructor and click More.

  4. On the Instructors Detail page:

    For a new instructor, enter the new Code, and then enter information on the tabs.

    For an existing instructor, make your changes to the instructor information on the tabs.

  5. Click OK.

    If you added a new instructor, it is added to the table on the Instructors page.

Tabs on the Instructors Detail page

Tip: If you are adding an instructor who is an employee of this employer, click Find Employee (below the tabs) and select the employee. The employee's personal information automatically fills in many of the items on the tabs so you do not have to enter that information again.