Time Off codes
Time Off uses the Absence Reason and FMLA Event Reason code tables, which provide abbreviated, standard references to information about employee absences and family medical leave events.
Absence reason codes
When you create an absence transaction for an employee, you must enter the reason for the absence. To ensure consistency and to prevent errors in data entry, you select a reason from the Absence Reason code table. This code table contains predefined absence reasons such as Jury Duty, Military Leave, Tardy, and so on. Modify or add codes as necessary.
If you set up attendance plans at the Enterprise level, you must also set up absence reason codes at the Enterprise level. Likewise, if you set up attendance plans at an employer level, you must set up absence reason codes at the same employer level.
Note: If an absence reason is not associated with any attendance plan, the absence transaction using that absence reason does not post to any attendance plan.
Associating the same absence reason codes with multiple plans
Time Off allows the same absence reason code to be associated with more than one plan in some situations. For example, the employer might offer different types of attendance plans to different groups of employees, but they could share absence reason code.
Example: An employer has a vacation plan called VAC-E for exempt employees that is associated with the absence reason Vacation. There is a vacation plan called VAC-NE for nonexempt employees that is also associated with the absence reason Vacation. These plans could share the same absence reason because employees would be only in one plan of those plans, not both.
However, if an employee is enrolled in both plans that have the same absence reason code, when he or she incurs an absence, a single absence transaction is created but the time taken is charged against both plans.
Important! If you are using Sage ESS, you cannot associate the same absence reason codes with multiple plans. Each plan must have unique absence reason codes.
FMLA event reason codes (U.S. only)
You can use Time Off to track leave covered by the Family Medical Leave Act. When an employee goes on FMLA leave, you must assign a reason for the event from the FMLA Event Reason code table. The code table contains predefined codes including: Birth, Adoption, and Family Illness.
If you also use Sage HRMS, the FMLA Event Reason code table should have already been set up. You can access the code table from either Sage HRMS or Time Off.