Operating System Limit Reached

There are not enough free file handles or too many locks to open another file or start another application.


  1. Write down the message in case you need to contact a technician.
  2. Exit Sage HRMS Payroll and Windows, and go to the system prompt.
  3. Change the number of files and locks as needed for your database configuration.
    • If the message indicates that you do not have enough file handles, increase the value of FILES= in your CONFIG.SYS file.
    • If the message indicates that you have too many locks, edit the SHARE parameters in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
  4. Reset the computer by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously, then start Sage HRMS Payroll again and retry the operation.
    • If the message does not recur, you have solved the problem by changing the number of files and locks.
    • If the message opens again, contact a technician.