Internal Error

There is an internal problem with the software.


  1. Write down the message in case you need to contact a technician.
  2. Exit Sage HRMS Payroll and Windows, then restart and try the task again.
    • If the message does not recur, you likely have solved the problem by restarting. You may want to check your hard disk and make sure it does not contain errors. Complete step 3. If your disk does not contain errors, you can resume normal processing and ignore the balance of these steps.
    • If the message appears again, go to step 3.
  3. Check your hard disk to see whether it contains any errors. (Refer to your operating system manual for instructions to use CHKDSK or SCANDISK.)
    • If no disk errors are reported, go to step 4.
    • If disk errors are reported, fix the problem, then go to step 4.
  4. Reset your computer by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys together, then start Database Setup and verify the entries in the data dictionaries for your system and company databases. Log the errors to an error file.
  5. Exit Database Setup and restart Sage HRMS Payroll, selecting the company you were working with when the problem occurred. Check the integrity of all your accounting data.
    • If no errors are reported, the problem may have been solved. Try the task again. If the error does not recur, you can resume normal processing. You do not need to read any further.
    • If errors are reported, go to step 6.
  6. Exit Sage HRMS Payroll, and locate your copies of the disks for the application that has the problem.
  7. Re-install the application in which the error occurred.
  8. Start Sage HRMS Payroll again and retry the operation.
    • If the message does not recur, reinstalling has solved the problem. Check the integrity of your data. If there are no errors, you can resume normal processing.
    • If the message appears again, contact a technician.