Setting up security

Sage HRMS has an extensive, flexible, and easy-to-use security system to protect your data. The security system breaks down functions within Sage HRMS by employer, product, activity, task, step, and groups of employees so you can precisely restrict access.

Usually an organization’s system administrator has access to all security options—and can set up and change security privileges for all Sage HRMS system users. For example, the system administrator can allow one user to access all employee information except current pay data and allow another user to enter only demographic information for new employees.

Each normal user is assigned a username and password, which establishes that user's ability to view, change, and process data. In this capacity, they are limited to changing their own password.

Note: The sole purpose of the security system is to restrict access to various areas within Sage HRMS. The system does not keep track of failed attempts to access system features or report on the functions accessed by users.

Security concepts

Each person accessing Sage HRMS has a username—and each username is associated with a password.

You can create groups of users and then establish the access rights for that group, so you do not have to set the access rights separately for each user in the group.

The system administrator (with the MASTER user ID) automatically has access to all functions.

Note: When Sage HRMS is updated to include new features, the MASTER user ID is automatically updated and always has access to all features. You must update any existing security groups if you want to provide them access to the new features. This provides a safeguard so you can decide who can access the new features.

Before you start

Before setting up access rights for your users, you must set up the following components in your Sage HRMS system.

  1. Set up the enterprise.
  2. Add and set up your employers.
  3. Design any custom pages you want to use with your Sage products.

Determine if you need security

You do not need to set up security for your Sage HRMS system if there is no need to restrict any portion of the system. Neither of the following situations require any security setup:

  • You are the system administrator and you are the only one using Sage HRMS. You sign on using MASTER as the user ID; you automatically have access to the entire system.
  • You want all users to have unrestricted access to the system. Instead of setting up any security, have each user log on using MASTER as the user ID. Each user can access the entire system.

Establish access rights

Set up security and establish access rights if you want to restrict any portion of the Sage HRMS system to certain users.

This following situation requires security setup. You are the system administrator and install the following products on your system: Time Off, Sage HRMS, and Sage HRMS Train. You want to set up two users for the employer Dunedin Enterprises.

User #1 can only enter new employees into the system. User #2 has access to the entire system but cannot view or update certain fields. You must:

If you must further restrict your users and disallow access to specific employee information, see Product group filters.