Connected Services Security

Use Connected Services Security to establish or remove access rights to connected applications (including the Microsoft Office applications) for each security group.

To restrict access to Connected Services applications:

  1. Select Setup > System > Security > Group Security.
  2. On the Security Groups page, double-click the group that you want to change.
  3. On the Security Groups page on the Group Level Security tab:

    1. In the Employer column, select N/A.
    2. In the Product column, select System.
    3. In the Activity column, select Connected Services.
    4. In the Task column, the application group that you want to restrict access to.
    5. Click Modify at the bottom of the Step column.
  4. In the Step Selection window, the Allow Access column is initially set to Yes. If you want to disable access, double-click the activity to change the access to No.
  5. Click OK to save your selection and return to the Security Group page.
  6. Repeat these steps 3d - 5 for each application group whose security you want to change.