Payroll G/L Integration Setup Field List
For help with the fields on the Payroll G/L Integration window, select from the field names listed below:
The payroll program provides the following choices for controlling when you want to create batches of G/L transactions from payroll transactions (or append payroll transactions to an existing batch):
- During Posting: generate General Ledger transactions automatically each pay period after printing and then approving payroll checks (which is when payroll posting occurs).
- On Request Using Create Bank G/L Batch window: generate General Ledger transactions whenever you choose, using the Create Bank G/L Batch window in Payroll > Processes. This creates the G/L transactions in General Ledger, if you use it.
Depending upon the size of your payroll, it may be convenient for you to wait to create G/L batches at the end of the day when you don't need the computer for other tasks.
If you intend to consolidate: If you create G/L batches immediately upon posting, consolidation does not occur across entries. (Each payroll check is a G/L entry.) The details of each check will be consolidated within the check according to your choice at this option. If you create G/L batches with the Generate G/L Batch function, consolidation occurs across all the checks (entries) in the batch, according to your choice at this option.
You select either the Check Date or the Pay Period End Date as the date to use as the journal entry date for G/L transactions that will be posted to expense and employer liability accounts.
- Your choice at this field determines the journal entry date for the expense and employer liability account posting only.
- The system always uses the check date as the journal entry date when posting to the bank account and employee liability accounts.
In the Create G/L Transactions By field, you specify how to batch the transactions when they are being created (automatically or on request) for General Ledger. You have the following options:
- Add payroll transactions to a batch that currently exists in General Ledger. The batch must have an OPEN status. When you print a batch in General Ledger or set it as ready to post, its status is no longer OPEN.
- Create a new batch in General Ledger each time payroll generates G/L transactions.
- Create a new batch in General Ledger each time payroll generates G/L transactions, and automatically post the batch in General Ledger.
If Sage 300 General Ledger is activated, you can create a new G/L batch with each run or add the current transactions to an existing G/L batch. (If G/L is not activated, the payroll program appends new batches to the existing batch regardless of your response here.)
Choose whether to create a separate G/L batch each time you create general ledger transactions (either by posting or by using the Generate G/L Batch window), or add new transactions to the existing batch. (This option applies only if you use Sage 300 General Ledger with payroll at the same location. If you do not, the program always appends new transactions to the existing G/L batch.)
You can choose to:
- Create General Ledger batches with complete transaction detail (The Do Not Consolidate choice).
- Consolidate General Ledger batches of payroll transactions by account and fiscal period. This option combines all the details in the transactions destined for an account into a single entry for each fiscal period, and uses a source code of CP-COUP-CO.
- Consolidate General Ledger batches of payroll transactions by account, fiscal period, and source code. This option combines all the details in the transactions destined for an account into a single entry for each fiscal period and source code.
If you create G/L batches immediately upon posting, consolidation does not occur across entries. (Each payroll check is a G/L entry.) The details of each check will be consolidated within the check (entry) according to your choice at this option. If you create G/L batches with the Generate G/L Batch function, consolidation occurs across all the checks (entries) in the batch, according to your choice at this option.
Enter the account numbers to use for the Salary And Wages Payable and Suspense accounts you use.
- When you calculate payroll, the program credits the Salary And Wages Payable liability account you specify and debits the bank account when you printchecks.
- The system debits any negative pay amounts to the required asset account for Suspense.
This field allows you to use particular G/L account segment names at the company level, which you then define by certain codes at the employee level. Choose the Segments tab to select the G/L segments you want to use to dynamically generate payroll cost centers. Learn more About the Use Cost Center Overrides Option.
These options are available for controlling the way the system performs G/L segment replacement (the process of replacing default account segments with the G/L segments you set up to define your payroll cost centers):
- None If you select this option, the system does not replace any G/L account segments with payroll cost center segments. This option allows you to turn cost center segment replacement off and on as needed.
- Expense accounts If you select this option, the system replaces segments of the G/L expense accounts you post to with the payroll cost center segments you set up.
- Expense and liability accounts If you select this option, the system replaces segments of the G/L expense and liability accounts you post to with the payroll cost center segments you set up.
Note: You will not be able to override the segments for the Salary And Wages Payable Account that you defined on the Integration tab of the Payroll G/L Integration setup window.
You can use payroll cost centers if you also use General Ledger and you selected the Use Cost Center Overrides option on the Integration tab of the G/L Integration window.
Enter up to three G/L account segments you will use to define payroll cost centers. Click the down arrow beside each segment field to display a list of the segments defined on the Segments tab of the General Ledger Options window.
The order in which you select G/L segments in these fields does not have to conform to a particular structure set up in General Ledger; however, all of the segments you select must be a part of some G/L structure. The system uses the segment name to locate the segment to be replaced during posting.
Use this tab to customize the descriptive information supplied to general ledger transactions to strengthen your audit trail. The information you select will display on transaction reports in General Ledger as the references, descriptions, and comments for transactions coming from payroll. The table shows a list of payroll transaction types.
For each transaction type, the table shows the segments (information) that have been selected to be the transaction's:
- G/L Entry Description (that is, the overall description of the transaction)
- G/L Detail Reference
- G/L Detail Description
- G/L Detail Comments
The "G/L Detail" choices refer to the reference, description and comments that apply to the each detail line of the transaction. When you double-click a transaction type from the table, a G/L Integration Detail window displays, with these fields:
From the drop-down list, choose the payroll transaction type that will transfer to the General Ledger.
From the drop-down list, choose the G/L Transaction field for which you are defining the segments. This can be a transaction description, detail reference, detail description, or detail comment.
As you include or exclude segments, the Example field shows the segments you have selected for the transaction type.
Select a character to separate segments of information. The separator is used only if you assign more than one segment. The default separator is a hyphen.
From the list, choose the information (segment) you want to accompany each General Ledger transaction created by payroll, as an additional audit trail marker.
To assign one or more segments to the selected transaction field, select the segments from the Choose Segments From List section, then click
.You can assign a maximum of five segments to a G/L Transaction field, providing that the combination does not exceed 60 characters. If the assigned information exceeds this number of characters (including separators), it will be truncated when the transaction is posted.
This shows the segments currently selected. To remove a segment, select the segments from the Segments Currently Used section, and click
.When you consolidate general ledger transactions in payroll, the description given to consolidated entries in General Ledger reporting is “Transactions consol. by CPUP on <date>.” The description for consolidated details (if the original descriptions were different) in General Ledger reporting is “Details consol. by CPUP.” Consolidation will keep the original descriptions if they were the same for all original details.