About Check Printing Security
Sage HRMS Payroll offers special security access for the Check Posting and Printing process. If a user's security permissions limits access to certain employees, that user cannot print checks for employees outside of their permissions.
Because the User Security and Security Groups are setup in Sage HRMS, the payroll system controls the users' access to individuals by automatically designating selection lists for the users with limited security.
Security User Selection Lists
Security User selection lists are created by the system with the following naming convention: PRCCC#-Security Group Name Group Security
- Where CCC is the Company Code, # is a sequential number assigned to each user, and Security Group Name is the name assigned to the security group by the MASTER/ADMIN user during Security Group setup.
For example, for the company Dunedin Enterprises, and the Payroll Processing security group, the system would generate a Security User selection list with the following code and description: PRDEU1 - Payroll Processing Group Security
Note: Best practice is to always use a selection list (either a user-maintained selection list, or the user's automatically-assigned Security User selection list) both when Calculating Payroll as well as in the Calculation Sequence when Using Print/Post Checks. This reduces errors and ensures the sequence is followed when checks are printed by the system, and it provides visibility to Sage HRMS Payroll users if other payroll processors are working simultaneously.
Security User Selection List Visibility
All Security User selection lists are visible to the MASTER/ADMIN user in the following windows:
- They are created using Setup > System >Group Security,
- All windows with the Selection List finder (such as Payroll > Tasks > Assign Earnings/Deductions), and
- Payroll > Tasks > Process Payroll > Print/Post Checks > Calculation Sequence.
Security User selection lists are visible to Users in the following windows:
- All windows with the Employee Selection List finder (but limited to the selection lists to which the user belongs or creates).
- Payroll > Tasks > Process Payroll > Print/Post Checks > Calculation Sequence. Read Print/Post Checks Field List to learn more about the Calculation Sequence field.
Important! If you have multiple users processing payroll in Sage HRMS Payroll, you should always calculate payroll just prior to printing and posting checks. By calculating payroll, you can make sure that another payroll processor's work is not overlapping the calculation process. If an employee belongs to two different payroll processors' payroll cycle, that employee's paycheck will not be included in both payroll runs but instead will be overridden by the most recent payroll calculation.