Defining custom criteria

Use the Custom Criteria function to generate reports using criteria other than what is already provided in the Sage HRMS standard selection criteria.

Note: When you use any custom criteria, Sage HRMS disables all other selection criteria. To clear your custom criteria selection, select the blank option from the Custom Criteria list on the Standard Criteria tab.

The Custom Criteria Table

When you create expressions that define specific criteria for selecting employees, you can have Sage HRMS store these expressions in the Criteria Code table. When you set up options for your reports, you can choose a criteria code from (or add a new one to) the Criteria Code table. Sage HRMS then generates the report according to the expression set up for the criteria code you selected.

Tip: If the expression you want to create is one you will be using more than once, add it to your Criteria Code tables so it will be available for you to select any time you need it.

The Custom Criteria Builder

You can use the Sage HRMS Criteria Builder to build expressions for your selection criteria and save them to your Criteria Code table.

Note: With the Criteria Builder, you can only create an expression with fields from the Employee Personnel (HRPERSNL) database. If you need to build an expression with fields from a database other than HRPERSNL, you must use the Visual FoxPro Expression Builder.

The Visual FoxPro Expression Builder

If you need to build expressions with a field that is not in the Employee Personnel (HRPERSNL) database, use the Visual FoxPro Expression Builder.

Tip: If you only need to use fields from the Employee Personnel database (HRPERSNL) in your expression, consider using the Criteria Builder instead.