Entering Overtime on a Timecard

If an employee worked overtime you should use a non-reusable timecard. Enter the period end date and for each earning on the detail line, enter the date, hours, days worked, and overtime schedule.

Note: If you do not specify an overtime schedule for an earning, the program does not include that earning for overtime consideration. 

Normally, you would not use a reusable timecard to record overtime, since the date, hours, days worked, and period end date will vary for each pay period. You might not enter this type of information on a reusable timecard. By omitting this information the overtime results may not match your intentions.

When you enter earnings on the detail lines of a timecard, they override the values entered for the same earnings on the employee’s Pay tab. For example, suppose that on the employee’s Pay tab, the Default Hours field of an HOURLY earning is 40. To report 5 hours of overtime, you would enter a timecard with detail lines that total 45 hours for the HOURLY earning, thus overriding the 40 default hours on the Pay tab.

Entering Day-by-Day Information

The most precise method of reporting overtime on the timecard is by entering a day-by-day detail line for every earning involved. For example, assume for the HOURLY earning, an employee worked 9 hours each day from Monday to Friday for a total of 45 hours. You should enter 5 detail lines for HOURLY, and for each line, enter the date and the 9 hours worked.

Entering only one line may give unpredictable results

If you enter the entire 45 hours on only one line for HOURLY, and do not enter a date for the line, the program lacks the specific details for a more precise calculation. For example, the program cannot identify which days the 45 hours were worked. The employee might have worked 9 hours each, Monday to Friday, or 8 hours Monday to Friday and 5 hours on Saturday.

In such a case, the program performs calculations based on assumptions and defaults. For example, if the Date and Days Worked fields are not entered on a line, the program uses the number of days in the pay period as the “days worked.”

When you enter the total hours on one line without a date, you may not get the same overtime calculation results as when you enter each detail line separately. The results may differ from your intentions, particularly if your company uses more complex setups such as multiple hourly pay rates, and/or an overtime schedule that specifies variable rates for multiple periods.


  • You can enter overtime manually (overtime override).

    If you prefer to override the overtime pay that Payroll normally calculates automatically based on your setup options, you can select the Overtime Override option on the timecard. This enables you to override the overtime hours and rate for specific types of earnings in the table of the Earnings/Deductions tab of the timecard.

    Note that the Overtime Override option applies only to the timecard for which it has been selected. If you have multiple timecards, you must select this option for each timecard where you want to override the overtime calculation. 

  • The order in which you enter detail lines may make a difference.