Changing attendance plans during the plan year

Time Off tracks attendance transactions and accrues time for your employees during the accrual year. However, you might find it necessary to move an employee from one attendance plan to another during the plan year, such as when an employee's eligibility changes due to a job promotion or a reduction in hours.

Note: Changing attendance plans does not apply for a Rolling 12-month FMLA plan (U. S.).

When you change attendance plans,Time Off updates the following information:

  • The Plan ID and Description changes to the new plan ID and Description.
  • If you chose to carryover the time accrued in the old plan to the new plan, Time Off updates the accrued through amount and the accrued through date. If you chose not to carry the time over to the new plan, the accrued amount is determined as of the beginning of the plan year.
  • If the new plan was set up with a different plan year, Time Off updates the previous year's close date.

To change an employee's attendance plan 

  1. In the table on the employee's Attendance Summary page, select the plan you want to change and click More.
  2. At the bottom of the Attendance Summary detail page, click Change Plan.
  3. In the Change Attendance Plan window, enter the date that the change will be effective and then click OK.
  4. If prompted, click Yes to continue.
  5. In the New Attendance Plan window:

    1. Select the new plan from the Plan list. All plans you set up for the employee’s employer appear in the list.
    2. Click OK.
    3. If there was time (hours or days) allocated to the old plan, Time Off asks if you want to allocate that time to the new plan. Click either Yes or No.

    The old plan no longer appears in the table and the new plan is added and updated with new information.

Tip: You can change attendance plans for more than one employee by using the Change Attendance Plans process.