Use Your Own Bitmaps

In order to add your own bitmaps to icons or buttons on a toolbar, you must first copy the bitmaps into the \DATA folder or the \SAMPLE\CUSTOM folder of your Sage HRMS system.

  • Bitmaps copied into \DATA will be available when you are customizing live data.
  • Bitmaps copied into \SAMPLE\CUSTOM will be available when you are customizing sample data.

For example, let’s say you have a bitmap named CAR.BMP that you want to appear on the toolbar button for your Company Car page in live data. Using the Windows Explorer, copy CAR.BMP into the \DATA folder of your Sage HRMS system. When you customize the page using live data, CAR.BMP will appear in the Bitmap drop-down list on the Customize Details dialog box.

Bitmap Requirements

When using your own bitmap for a button on the Details toolbar, the bitmap should be no larger than 17 pixels wide by 20 pixels high; anything larger will be cropped.