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Remove Customizations

Copy Menu Customizations

If you have created your menu customizations in sample data, you can copy them to live data.

Note: When you perform this procedure, any menu customizations you have created in live data will be replaced with the ones you have created in sample data.

To Copy Menu Customizations

  1. Log out from Sage HRMS.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, locate your Sage HRMS system. Open the SAMPLE folder, then open the CUSTOM folder.
  3. Select all the files located within the CUSTOM folder. From the Explorer menu, select Edit, then Copy.
  4. Open the DATA folder in your Sage HRMS system, then open the CUSTOM folder.
  5. From the Explorer menu, select Edit/Paste. When the program asks whether you want to replace existing files, select Yes To All.
  6. Log on to Sage HRMS.
  7. Select Setup > Rebuild System Files. Click Yes. When the process is complete, you are returned to the Logon page.
  8. Log back on to live data and you will see the menu customizations that you created in sample data.

Note: You can also copy menu customizations from live data to sample data. Copy all the files in the \DATA folder of your Sage HRMS system to the \SAMPLE\CUSTOM folder using the same steps described above.