About Custom Pages

Custom pages are used to enter and maintain information unique to your employer. You can track information relating to employees, for example, company credit cards, security clearances, office assignments.

Custom pages can include both standard Sage HRMS fields and custom fields that you create. You can also create custom code tables and reference them with your custom fields. Using SAP Crystal Reports, you can then access the custom fields and create custom reports.

You can create single or multi-record pages.

Create a Single Record Page

A single-record page contains a collection of data that pertains to one record and that normally does not change over time; therefore, you do not need to track past records.

  • A single-record page without tabs may contain up to 20 fields.
  • A single-record page with tabs may contain up to 16 fields per tab, for a maximum of 80 fields.

Create a Multi-record Page

A multi-record page can track the history of a collection of data that normally changes over time; therefore, you can keep track of past records.

  • A multi-record page without tabs may contain up to 20 fields.
  • A multi-record page with tabs may contain up to 18 fields per tab, for a maximum of 90 fields.

While viewing a multi-record page, you can sort columns by clicking on the column heading. Click here for an example.

Both single and multi-record pages can have up to five tabs, allowing you to organize the information into categories (e.g., a custom Company Cars page could have one tab for car information and one tab for employee information).

For additional customization options, use Custom Details to create menus, processes, actions and tasks, reports, toolbars, pages, and fields to more precisely meet your organization’s unique requirements.