About Custom Details

Custom Details extends the capabilities of the custom pages feature included with Sage HRMS. Use Custom Details to:

It is easy to work with Custom Details. However, you should be familiar with the Sage HRMS program before you begin to customize it.

Customizing Pages and Fields

Custom Details extends the capabilities of the custom pages feature included with Sage HRMS. For example, you can:

  • Add up to five tabs on a page.
  • Adjust the display size of fields to match the size of the information.
  • Specify which fields on a page are required during data entry and cannot be left blank.
  • Create custom calculated fields.
  • Associate custom fields with field level security to control user access to the fields.

Creating Custom Code Tables

With Custom Details, you can:

  • Create your own user-defined code table.
  • Relate character and numeric fields with each code.

Customizing the Sage HRMS Menus and Toolbars

The menu customization features of Custom Details enable you to:

  • Add, edit, and delete buttons.
  • Add your own actions and edit or delete existing ones.
  • Delete processes, analyses, and rules.
  • Add custom pages to the Details menu, and add or edit the Details toolbar buttons.
  • Add submenus and change the order of items on menus.