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Logon Setup

Logon Maintenance

The Master user, HR Administrator, Payroll Administrator, and Benefit Administrator can use the Logon Maintenance page to maintain employee logons and access to HRMS Employee Self Service, including:

  • Viewing an employee's username
  • Reviewing an employee's logon history
  • Enabling or disabling an employee's access to the system (logon status)
  • Resetting an employee's password
  • Deleting a logon to free up an employee license

The Master user can manage logons for all employees in all companies in your HRMS Employee Self Service system. The HR, Payroll, and Benefit Administrators can manage logons for only those employees in the employers to which their administrator role has access. For information on administrator role access, see Assigning administrator roles.

Logons and licenses

Each employee logon (username and password) counts as one employee license, regardless if the logon status (Active or Locked). The number of employee licenses is determined by the Install code used at installation.

When all employee licenses for your system are used, the next employee who tries to create a new logon receives a message that the number of user licenses has been met and to contact their Human Resources department for assistance.

To manage an employee's logon and status

  1. Log on to HRMS Employee Self Service as the Master user or an administrator.
  2. On the Administrator menu, select System Settings > Logon Maintenance
    or on the System Administrator menu, select Roles and Logon > Logon Maintenance.
  3. On the Logon Maintenance page, search for the employee whose logon information you want to maintain by entering the search criteria and clicking Go.
  4. In the search results table, click the employee's name.
  5. The Logon Maintenance detail page displays the following information:

    • The employee's Username if the employee already has a logon. Otherwise, Username displays Not Created.
    • The employee's Logon History, including the date, time, and success status of each logon. The most recent logon attempt is at the top of the list. (The number of historical entries to display is set on the Logon Setup page.)
    • The employee's logon Status, which is either

      • Active, which enables the employee to access the system. (This is the default.)
      • Locked, which locks the person out of the system. They are no longer able to log on to the system or create a new logon. When the employee exceeds the set number of failed attempts to log on (which is set on the Logon Setup page), the employee's logon status is automatically set to Locked.

    To unlock the logon manually, select Active to re-enable access to the system; (the number of failed logon attempts is set back to zero).

    To temporarily prevent an employee from logging on, manually select Locked.

    Tip: You can have the system automatically unlock logons by specifying the number of minutes for Unlock Users Automatically After__ Minutes on the Logon Setup page. This does not unlock users who you manually lock out (by changing their logon status manually to Locked).

  6. To reset the password for the employee who forgot or lost their password, click Reset Password. The system immediately sets the password to newuser. For security reasons, instruct the employee to change their password from newuser to a unique password the next time they log on.

    Note: The Reset Password button is disabled when the system is set to use Windows Authentication.

  7. To delete the user who will no longer be using the system, click Delete Login and confirm the deletion.

    Caution! All HRMS Employee Self Service data for that employee is deleted, including their logon information, logon history, and audit trail. If you delete a logon for an employee who is currently logged on to the system, they will receive system errors in their Message Center or as they navigate through pages. In order to access the system again, the employee must create a new username and password.

    Tip: You can delete an employee's logon to free up an employee license; (the deleted logon is no longer counted for employee license purposes). If you want to lock the employee out of the system temporarily, set the Status to Locked instead.

  8. When you are finished, click Save.

    All settings will apply the next time the selected employee logs on to the system.

    Example: John is currently logged on to the system. If you change his logon Status to Locked, John still has access to his pages until he logs off. However, the next time he tries to log on, he will be locked out.