Secure Query Select Fields
The Select Fields tab enables you to limit the results that are returned in your query to only those records that you are interested in. The Select Fields tab lists previously saved fields for the selected
Select Fields
- From the Select Fields tab, click the Select Fields button. The Select Fields to Show in Query dialog box opens.
- The Fields to pick from list depends upon the tables you have selected from the Select Data
To Use in Query dialog box. The Fields to include in query list shows those fields you selected.
- From the Fields to pick
from list box, double-click or use the SHIFT and CTRL
keys to highlight the fields you want to include in the query, and then click the Select button to move them to the Fields to include in query list box. They appear in the order in which you selected
them. This is the order in which Sage HRMS displays the fields in your query. If you want to remove one or more fields from the Fields to include in query list, highlight them and click Remove or double-click them, to move them back to the other list.
- To change the order of the fields, move your cursor over the button to the left of the field until you see a two-headed arrow. Press your left mouse button and drag the field to the desired position. Release the mouse button. The field moves to the new position and the other fields automatically reorder to accommodate the moved field.
- Click OK after you have selected the appropriate fields. The Query Main page opens.
Additional Data
- From the Select Fields tab, click Additional Data. The Select Data To Use in Query dialog box opens.
- From the Choose Employee Information tab, select the type of information you want to include in the query from the Master Table. To define the fields in your query, you
must know which Sage HRMS pages contain the fields you need. The pages you will always use contain fields from the Master Table. The Employee Master Table contains all the primary data for an employee in
Sage HRMS, Time Off, and Sage HRMS Train.
- If you want all the fields from the Master Table available to choose from, click Advanced. The Advanced Field Options dialog box opens.
- Select Make all Employee Master Table fields available for this query and click OK. The Select Data To Use in Query dialog box opens.
- If you want to select additional optional information from a second table click the Choose
Additional Information tab.
- From the Choose Additional Information tab, select the appropriate type of additional information
you want to include in the query.
Note: You cannot remove a table from the query after you have selected it.
- Click OK.