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Using Secure Query

Output Results

View Data or Run a Query

You can view the data retrieved by your query at any time, by clicking either the View Data button or the Run Query button at the bottom of the page.

To View Data

To view the data on the monitor, click View Data. The system opens a preview window and presents the query. The data is displayed in the same order as it appears in your tables, with no grouping or sorting.

To Run a Query

  1. Click Run Query.
  2. If you have selected Report as the Output, the Report Setup dialog box opens.
  3. Select the Output Direction.
  4. To preview the report, select Preview.
  5. To print the report, select Print.
  6. When you send a report, it will be generated as a PDF file and require the recipient of the email to have Adobe Reader. The standard Outlook dialogue for sending an email will appear with the subject as Sage HRMS Report and the report as an attachment.
  7. Click Start Report.
  8. Click Yes to view the file.

Note: If you do not have Adobe Reader installed, directions will be provided to where you can download it from the web and install it. If Outlook is not installed, the file will be placed in the export directory. Or, if you have selected to output the results to a file, when the process is complete, a message displays the total number of records exported to your file, the location of the file, and asks if you want to view file now. Sage HRMS exports the file to the \EXPORT directory in your Sage HRMS directory.