System Setup page
The Master user can use this page to specify a number of system settings that are applicable to all employers in your HRMS Employee Self Service system.
To specify settings for the system:
- Log on to HRMS Employee Self Service as the Master user.
- On the System Administrator menu, select System Settings > System Setup.
On the System Setup page, enter or select the appropriate setting for each item in the following areas of the page:
Message Center
Items in this area of the page
Display Notifications Since
(Optional) To reduce the number of notifications in the Message Center, the system will only display notifications on or after this date. You can type a date or select the date from the calendar.
Archive Messages
- Select Yes to have messages that were read sent to the Archived Messages mailbox where they can be viewed by a Manager or Administrator.
- Otherwise, select No.
Delete Archived Messages Prior To
(Optional) To reduce the number of messages in the Message Center, the system will delete archived messages sent prior to this date. You can type a date or select the date from the calendar.
Email Notifications
Items in this area of the page
Include Custom Message
(Optional) If you want to include a custom message in email notifications, type the message in this text box.
Items in this area of the page
Display All Training Courses
- Select Yes to have the employee's Available Courses page display all courses set up for their employer (but only if a class has been established in the course). The courses are set up in HRMS Employee Self Service on the Courses page.
- Select No to have the employee's Available Courses page only display the employee's required courses (which are selected in HRMS Employee Self Service on the employee's Required Courses page).
Note: When an employee enrolls in a course and the course is approved by the training administrator, the employee must be manually enrolled in the class in HRMS Employee Self Service. That is, HRMS Employee Self Service does not manually enroll the employee in the course in HRMS Employee Self Service.
Display Home Page
- Select Yes to have the Home page display for users after they log in..
- Otherwise, select No.
SSN/SIN Display Settings
This setting determines how the social security number (or social insurance number) of dependents and beneficiaries displays in windows and on reports:
- Select Do not show to hide the number.
- Select Show last 4 to show only the last four digits of the number.
- Select Show to display the full number.
Personal Profile SSN Display Settings
This setting determines how the employee's social security number (or social insurance number) displays on their Personal Profile page.
- Select Do not show to hide the number.
- Select Show last 4 to show only the last four digits of the number.
- Select Show to display the full number.
Display Employee ID
- Select Yes to have employee IDs display in addition to employee names.
- Select No to hide the employee IDs.
Items in this area of the page
View Indirect Reports
This setting determines access to information on about indirect reports. An indirect report is an employee who reports to a manager's direct report. For example, if Sam reports to Joe and Joe reports to Mary, Sam is Mary's indirect report.
- Select Yes to give a manager access to information about their indirect reports as well as their direct reports on all Manager pages.
- Select No to only give a manager access to information about their direct reports on all Manager pages.
Search Phone List By
Select the organization level to be used to search the company phone list. You can select Employer (to include all organization levels) or one of the organization levels set up for the company. For example, if the enterprise has three organization levels named division, department, location, you could select Location to find phone numbers for employees in a specified location.
Search Organization List By
Select the organization level to be used to search the organization list. You can select Employer (to include all organization levels) or one of the organization levels set up for the company. For example, if the enterprise has three organization levels named division, department, location, you could select Location to find employees in a specified location.
Items in this area of the page
Display Employment History From
This date determines how far back to show employment history on the employee's Compensation, Job, and Performance pages. The system compares this date to the following dates:
- Pay Effective Date on the Compensation page
- Start Date on the Job page
- Last Review date on the Performance page
For example, if the Display Employment History From date is 1/1/2001 and an employee's Start Date is 10/1/2000, the employee's Job page does not show any history because it would only show history from 1/1/2001 through the current date.
Note: Leave the date blank if you do not want any compensation, job, or performance history displayed.
Retain Audit Trail From
This date determines how far back to maintain the audit trail.
Note: Leave the date blank if you do not want to maintain an audit trail.
Caution! If this date was already set and change it to a later date, you will lose all audit trail information up to and including the new date. For example, if the date was initially set to 1/1/2020 and you change it to 3/1/2020 and click Save, you are asked to confirm the date change; then, the system deletes the audit trail information from 1/1/2020 through 3/1/2020.
Display Pay History From
This date determines how far back to show pay history on the employee's Pay History page. The page shows the hours, gross pay, deductions, taxes, and net pay for each payment that has a date after the Display Pay History From date.
Note: This item only appears if HRMS Payroll is installed.
Display Pay History Before Publish Day
This setting determines when employees can view their pay history information.
before the employer has published the latest pay information to HRMS Employee Self Service.
- Select Yes if pay history information can be viewed as soon as the it is saved to the database.
Select No if pay history information can only be viewed after it is published.
Note: This item only appears if HRMS Payroll is installed.
Display Reversed Transactions in Pay History
- Select Yes if you want the original and the reversed checks to appear together in an employee’s Pay History.
Select No if you want to hide the original and the reversed checks in an employee’s Pay History. (Default)
Note: This item only appears if HRMS Payroll is installed.
Technical Administration
Items in this area of the page
Technical Admin Email Address
Type the email address of the technical administrator (the IT/System administrator at your company, a business partner, a channel partner, or Sage Customer Support) who should receive unexpected error messages and determine a resolution. The email includes a file with complete information about the error in an encrypted format. A tool will be provided with which to decode the information.
Important! The system does not verify that this email address is valid, so make sure you enter it correctly.
Note: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) must be set up and configured in order to send emails. See the HRMS Employee Self Service Installation and Setup Guide for SMTP information.
System Emails Sent From
Enter the email address in your company that you want to display for From in system-generated email messages.
Important! The system does not verify that this email address is valid, so make sure you enter it correctly.
Note: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) must be set up and configured in order to send emails. See the HRMS Employee Self Service Installation and Setup Guide for SMTP information.
Mail Relay
Select this check box to have the email address entered for System E-mails Sent From used for the mail relay.
View Builder
Items in this area of the page
Display Available Fields
This setting determines fields display in the Available Fields list on the Select Fields page of the View Builder:
- Select Grouped to display the fields in related groups. For example, job and pay-related fields such as Unit Pay Rate, Hours/Units, and Annual Pay display under the Job and Pay group. You can expand a group to make individual selections or select a group to automatically select all fields in the group.
- Select Alphabetically to display the fields in alphabetical order without groups.
View Server Application URL
- If the View Builder uses the same URL as the HRMS Employee Self Service application, leave this item blank.
If the View Builder and the View Consumer access the system with different URLs, type the URL used for the View Builder Copy To Clipboard function.
Custom Data API User
Items in this area of the page
Type the username for the API user to use to access the custom data.
Type the password for the API user to use to access the custom data.
- Click Save at any time to save the information.