Benefit Elections - Requirements page

Use this page of the Benefit Elections wizard to select the benefit plan's plan group, election type, contribution display, and beneficiary requirements.

Items on the Requirements page


Item Description

Plan Group

(Required) Select the plan group from which employees will choose this benefit plan. The plan group list contains all the plan groups that have already been set up.

Waiver Required

Displays whether this plan group requires employees who elect not to enroll in a plan that is part of the group to submit a waiver of coverage.

Required Group

Displays whether this plan group requires employees who want to enroll in this plan also enroll in another plan group.

Election Type

(Required) Select the election type: Disability, Health, Life, Savings, FSA, or Other.

Note: For savings plans, the amount (or percentage) contributed by the employee is the amount per pay period. To communicate this information to the employee, enter an appropriate message for Election Description on the Benefit Elections - Employee page.

Display Employer Contribution

Select whether to display the amount that the employer contributes to the plan for this plan election.


Select one of the following options for this plan election:

  • None: The employee cannot select any beneficiaries.
  • Primary Only: The employee must specify a primary beneficiary only.
  • Primary with Optional Contingent: The employee must specify a primary beneficiary and may select contingent beneficiaries.
  • Primary with Required Contingent: The employee must specify a primary AND one or more contingent beneficiaries.


After making selections for the items on this page, click > to go to the next page of the wizard, which is the Benefit Elections - General page.