Benefit Elections - General page

Use this page of the Benefit Elections wizard to indicate who can be covered by the benefit plan.

Note: If this is a savings plan, your only selection on this page is Employee Only, because dependents cannot be covered by a savings plan.

Items on the General page


Item Description

Indicate who is covered

Select one of the following options for who can be covered by the benefit plan:

  • Employee Only: Only the employee can be covered by this plan.
  • Dependents Only: Only dependents can be covered by this plan.

    Note: If you require a beneficiary for a plan where the dependent is covered but the employee is not, it is not possible to designate the employee as the beneficiary. However, all other dependents are available to be selected (including the covered dependent).

  • One Choice Employee with Dependents: Both the employee and dependent coverage is the same for this plan.

    Example: Medical and dental plans may provide the same coverage for both the employee and their dependents.

  • Employee and Dependents - Separate Elections: The employee coverage is different from the dependent coverage for this plan.

    Example: A supplemental life plan may provide different coverage amounts for the employee and their dependents.


Unless this plan is for Employee only, select whether dependents are Required or Optional. You then select the check boxes for the types of dependents that can be covered.

Note: If you select Required, the employee must select a dependent prior to enrolling.


After making selections for the items on this page, click > to go to the next page of the wizard: