Establishing job requirements

Use the Establish Job Requirements task to establish individual courses, training programs, or certifications as training requirements for specific jobs. You can also use this task to establish a training requirement for all employees in an employer.

For example, you want to make Workplace Safety a required course for all entry level machine operators. Use the Establish Job Requirements task to add Workplace Safety to the job requirements of the job title Machine Oper 1. The course is then added to the Required Courses page for all employees with the job title of Machine Oper 1, unless they have already completed the course. In addition, when you hire a new employee with the job title Machine Oper 1, the course will automatically be added to their Required Courses page.

Establish a course as a job requirement

The first time you establish a course as a job requirement, the course is added to the Required Courses page of all employees with the specified job title. If you select a course that has already been set as a requirement, the task adds the course to the Job Requirement Summary page, but does not add the new requirement to the employee's Required Course records. If the course is associated with a certification, the certification is added to the Certifications page of each employee.

Establishing a certification as a job requirement

When you establish a certification as a job requirement, the certification is added to the Certifications page of all employees with that job title.

Establishing a training program as a job requirement

When you establish a training program as a job requirement, the program is added to the Training Programs page of all employees with the specified job title. In addition, all the courses in the program’s curriculum are added to the Required Courses page of each employee.

Note: If your job codes are set up at the Enterprise level in Sage HRMS, you must select a Training Employer in Sage HRMS Train to establish job requirements or you must copy your job codes to the employer level. In addition, you must enable job code validation on the HR Setup page.

To establish job requirements

  1. Select Training > Tasks > Establish Job Requirements.
  2. Select the employer for which you want to establish job requirements, and then click OK.
  3. On the Establish Job Requirements page, select All Employees or the Job Title for which you want to establish job requirements.

    Note: If you select All Employees, the job requirement will be added to all employees in the selected employer.

  4. For Job Requirement Type, select whether the requirement is for individual courses, training programs, or certifications.
  5. To add a new job requirement, click Add.

    To change information about an existing job requirement, highlight the row in the table with that job requirement and click More

  6. For a new job requirement, enter information on the Course Requirement page, the Program Requirement page, or the Certification Requirement page.

    For an existing job requirement, make your changes to the information on the tabs.

    Tip: If you are editing, use the Next and Previous buttons to scroll through the list of job requirements.

  7. Click OK.

    If you added a new job requirement, it is added to the table on the Establish Job Requirements page.

  8. To delete a job requirement

    1. Select it in the table on the Establish Job Requirements page.
    2. Click the Delete button.
    3. When you are asked if you want to delete the requirement, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    Note: When you delete a job requirement, the course or program is deleted from the corresponding page of all employees with the specified job title, unless they have already completed the requirement. In addition, when you delete a job requirement for a program, the courses in the program’s curriculum are deleted from the Required Courses page of all employees with the specified job title. If you delete a job requirement, certifications are not deleted from any employees.

Requirement Due Date

The selections you make for Requirement Due Date and Earliest Date Required enable Sage HRMS Train to automatically calculate the Complete By date on the employee’s Required Courses page or the Date Required on the employee’s Certifications page.

For Requirement Due Date, select one of the following options for when the requirement must be completed:

  • None Specified if there is no due date.
  • Required Before Job Starts if the requirement must be completed before the employee starts the job. For Days Before, type how many days before the job starts.
  • Required After Job Starts if the requirement must be completed within a specified number of days after the employee starts the job. For Days After, type how many days after the job starts. If you type 0, the required completion date is the job start date.
  • Required on a Specific Date if the requirement must be completed by a specific date. For Monthe/Day, type the month and day of the deadline. The year automatically defaults to the year in which the job starts. For example, if you type 12/31 and an employee starts their job on 09/01/20, then they must complete the training requirement by 12/31/20. If the employee starts their job on 01/31/20, they must complete the training by 12/31/2024.

Tip: To avoid required completion dates in the past, use the Earliest Date Required, as described below.

Earliest Date Required

The Earliest Date Required is the date the requirement takes effect, which is the earliest date the requirement can be due.