Bank Entry Field List
Bank Services automatically assigns an entry number to each new entry you add using the Bank Entry window, and the number forms part of the audit trail for the bank entry.
To add a new entry, click the the Entry Number field.
button besideYou also use the Entry Number field to select an existing entry if you want to view, edit, or delete it. (Type its number in the Entry Number field, or select it using the Finder or the navigation buttons.)
If you delete an entry, you cannot reuse its number.
The bank code identifies the bank account and determines the general ledger accounts that Bank Services updates when you post a bank entry.
In multicurrency systems, the bank code determines the currency for the transaction. The program displays the bank statement currency in the Currency field on the Bank Entry window.
For new bank entries, the program displays the default bank code specified on the Bank Services Options window, and it displays the description for the bank in the next field. You can change the code until you add a detail for the entry. You cannot leave the bank code blank.
After you enter a bank code, Bank Services displays the bank account number specified in the Bank record.
On the Bank Transfers window, this field is named Bank Account.
You use this field to specify whether the bank entry you are adding is a deposit or a withdrawal.
Select Deposit or Withdrawal from the list.
Select the method of payment relating to the bank entry in this field: Cash, Check, Credit Card, or Other.
The bank entry date is used as the date to post the bank entry to General Ledger. (This date also determines the default year and period to which the entry is posted.)
Bank Services displays the session date as the default bank entry date for new bank entries, but you can change the date until you post the entry.
The program displays the year and period to which the entry is posted.
The bank entry date determines the year and period. You cannot edit the field.
Detail table
Specify the distribution code that includes the general ledger account you want to update when you post the entry or transfer.
The description for the code you specify displays.
f the distribution line specifies a distribution code, the general ledger account associated with the distribution code and the account description display as default entries for these fields.
You can change the account, if necessary.
Double-click in this column on the selected distribution line, then enter the amount to debit or credit the account.
Type a reference for the bank entry detail (for example, a note that refers to the bank statement that you are reconciling).
Enter a descriptive comment for the entry, up to 250 alphanumeric characters.
Double-click in this column on the selected distribution line, then type a description for the bank entry detail.
button becomes available once you specify a distribution set code for the bank entry.Click the
button to create the distribution details prescribed by the distribution set.You can then edit the detail, or add detail lines for general ledger accounts that are not included in the distribution set.
Click the
button on the Bank Entry window to post the current entry.To post a range of bank entries all at once, use the Post Entries window.