Archive Terminated Employees
When you terminate an employee using the Terminate Employee task, data for the employee you terminate remains in the active database files. At the end of the year or after a reasonable period of time, you might want to remove terminated employees from your active database files without deleting them completely from your system. Running the Archive Terminated Employees process periodically helps to conserve disk space and makes Sage HRMS run faster. We recommend you archive terminated employees on a regular basis, depending on your organization’s needs. You can archive a maximum of 999,999,999 records at one time.
The Archive Terminated Employees process removes terminated employees’ data from your system but stores information from the Demographic, HR Status, Current Pay, Current Job, Termination and Job History pages in a separate database file. All records from other pages, such as Events, Dependents, and Skills are deleted.
Note: Archive Terminated Employees is a system process and archives terminated employees in all the components installed on your system. This process affects all terminated employees.
Important Considerations
- The system only archives terminated employees whose benefits are no longer active.
- The Sage HRMS system archives terminated employee records only if the year has been closed. That is, employees may not be removed if there is data for the current fiscal year in the employee tax withholding register or if there is an unprinted W-2 on file.
- When you archive a terminated employee, you permanently lose all information about the employee except demographics and job history data. Information lost permanently includes, but is not restricted to, the following data: benefits, dependents, wellness, skills, events, education and secondary jobs.
- Once you archive terminated employees, you cannot restore them to your active system.
- You can only access archived terminated employees stored in history files using SAP Crystal Reports. The only information about a terminated employee available to you is demographics and job history data.
Before Archiving Terminated Employees
A government agency might possibly ask your employer for information regarding terminated employees on some future date. Therefore, we strongly recommend you print and store any reports containing critical information before you use the Archive Terminated Employees process.
In particular, we recommend you print the following items:
- Employee Profile report (for each employee you plan to archive)
- Turnover Performance vs. Longevity Matrix
- Terminated Employee Log
To Archive Terminated Employees
- Select Setup > System > Processes > Archive Terminated Employees.
- Select an employer from the list.
- The process archives all terminated employees whose termination dates fall prior to the effective date you enter in the dialog box. To specify an effective date other than the current date, move the cursor to the Effective Date field and enter a new date.
- Click
After Sage HRMS executes the Archive Terminated Employees process, the Archived Employees Summary dialog box opens. This dialog box displays a list of files and the number of records deleted from each file due to the process.
to begin the
process. The system informs you of the number of employees to be deleted
and prompts you to continue. Click to stop the process, or click
to continue.
- Browse through the list, then click .
- Copy the terminated employees’ history files from your hard disk to a backup disk or tape for storage. The two files to copy are HTERMPE and HTERMJH.
After you complete this process, terminated employees’ demographic and job history data are available for you to use in custom reports you create in SAP Crystal Reports.