System File Problem

A System Manager application file is missing or damaged, or contains an entry that is incompatible with the database.


  1. Write down the message in case you need to contact a technician.
  2. Exit Sage HRMS and Windows, and go to the system prompt.
  3. Copy PLUS.INI from the appropriate your Product CD to \Sage HRMS\Runtime on your computer, assuming you installed Sage HRMS in C:\Sage HRMS.
  4. Reset your computer by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys together, then start Sage HRMS again and retry the operation.
    • If the message does not recur, copying the file has likely solved the problem and you can resume normal processing.
    • If the message reappears, go to step 5.
  5. If the message indicates that the database driver is not defined, you need to delete the ORGS.DAT file from your \SITE folder, then start Database Setup and re-enter the database profiles for your company and system databases.
  6. Start Sage HRMS again and retry the operation.
    • If the message does not recur, re-entering the database profiles has likely solved the problem and you can resume normal processing.
    • If the message reappears, contact a technician.