Application File Problem

If you are on a network, the message can also mean you do not have access rights. Ask your system administrator whether you should use these instructions and whether you have the correct access rights.


Application files are missing, damaged, incompatible, or renamed.


  1. Write down the message in case you need to contact a technician.
  2. Exit Sage HRMS and Windows, then start again and retry the operation.
    • If the message does not recur,you likely have solved the problem by restarting. Check your data integrity before resuming, and make sure it does not contain errors.
    • If the message reappears or the integrity check reports errors, go to step 3.
  3. Locate your copies of the disks for the application that has the problem.

    If an object name appears in the error message, its two-letter prefix identifies the application you need to reinstall. For example, if the object starts with AS, it is an administrative service, and you need to locate the System Manager System executable. If the object name starts with an accounting application prefix, for example, GL or AR, you need to locate the application executables.

  4. Exit Sage HRMS and re-install the application in which the error occurred.

    If a warning appears saying that the application already exists, use the System Information command to make sure it is the same version.

  5. Start Sage HRMS again and retry the operation.

    • If the message does not recur, reinstalling has solved the problem. Check the integrity of your data. If there are no errors, you can resume normal processing.
    • If the error message reappears, contact a technician.