Import/Export File Problem

The application has detected a problem and cannot proceed with importing or exporting the data.


Decide which error condition applies to your situation. Write down each error message you receive, so that you have a complete list of the corrections you need to make in the import or export file.

File access

If the message indicates that the application cannot access, find, initialize, create, or open a file, or that the file does not exist or is not a script, or that a file I/O error has occurred, it means that the file as you specified it is not available for use.

  1. If you are on a network, confirm with your system administrator that you have the correct access rights to the file.
  2. Check that you have specified the correct path (drive and folder) and filename.
  3. If you are exporting, go to the system prompt and make sure the file is not a read-only file. If it is, follow the instructions in your operating system manual to remove the designation.
  4. If you are exporting, check the available file space in the target folder. If you do not have enough free space, delete or move unneeded files.
  5. Try again to import or export the data.

If the message recurs, exit Sage HRMS and Windows, reset your computer by pressing the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously, then retry the import or export.

File layout or contents

If the message indicates that the file contains incorrect field or record types, or that data cannot be converted, it means that the file layout is not correct or the fields are improperly defined or the wrong fields have been selected.

  • If you are importing and the import file contains errors, go to the application where you created the import file, then correct the errors. After you have made the corrections, retry the import.
  • Be sure the import file contains all the fields required by the importing function you are trying to use, and that it uses the correct file layout. Check each piece of data to be sure it is formatted and entered as required by the file format you are using. Make sure the record type is correct.
  • If you are importing and the wrong fields have been selected for import, select the correct fields, then retry the import.

    Note: If importing failed, the system creates a restart record. The restart record must be removed before another import can be completed successfully. You can remove the record either by correcting the error that caused the restart record in the first place, or by deleting the record in Restart Maintenance without correcting the error. 

  • If you are exporting and the data cannot be converted, the file is damaged. Follow the online Help instructions for Damaged Data.

File format

If the message indicates that the file does not have the selected Type, or has too many fields or records, or an unexpected end-of-file, or an invalid field title, it means that the Type you selected is incorrect for the file designation.

  1. Select the correct Type (CSV File, Single CSV File, Excel 2000, dBase 5.0, ODBC, XML, Access, or Excel 5.0).
  2. Try again to import the data.