Set up a Company Database for Payroll

Before you start

To set up a company database

  1. Click Start > All Programs > Sage > Sage Payroll > Database Setup.
  2. Sign in using the administrator password.
  3. In the Database Setup dialog box, click the New button to open the New Database dialog box.
    1. For the Database ID, enter exactly the same case-sensitive code as the DSN you created for this company database. Note that you cannot change the database ID after you click Save.
    2. Select the database format.
    3. Select Company as the database category.
    4. Select the system database ID you created earlier. (You cannot change the system ID, later.)
    5. Click OK.
    6. Fill in the fields on the Edit [database format] Database Profile dialog box that appears.

    Note: The fields that appear, and the next steps you follow, depend on the database format you selected in step b above.

  4. To set up a Microsoft SQL Server company database
    In the Edit SQL Server Database Profile dialog box:
    1. Enter a Description (up to 60 characters).
    2. Use the Data Source field or the Server Name field to specify either a data source name or a server name.
    3. Enter a Login ID and a Password.
    4. Select a database name in the Database field.
    5. Click OK.
  5. When you return to the Database Setup dialog box, the new company database is displayed in the list.
  6. Click Exit to leave Database Setup.

After creating a company database