Mapping earning codes

Use the Earning tab on the Employee Configuration page to map earning codes between Sage HRMS and Payroll.

Mapping guidelines

Salary Pay, Hourly Pay, and Bonus Pay are the most common earning codes. Before you can map earning codes between the two programs, you must set up the earning codes in Payroll on the Earning/Deduction Codes setup window using the guidelines in the following table.

Earning code guidelines



Salary Pay

Hourly Pay

Bonus Pay






Salary & Wages

Salary & Wages

Salary & Wages

Employee Calculation Method

  • Flat
  • Fixed
  • Hourly Rate
  • Amount per Hour
  • Flat
  • Fixed

Sage HRMS selections include

  • Salaried
  • User-defined Employment and Pay fields
  • Hourly
  • User-defined Employment and Pay fields
  • Bonus
  • User-defined Employment and Pay fields

Tip: When a bonus is updated in the Open Payroll process, the Ends (date) on the Employee Payroll > Pay tab is populated with the payroll Period End Date. This is to prevent the bonus from being paid regularly each payroll period. Because of this, we recommend that you set up a separate Employee Configuration profile for bonuses.

To map earning codes

  1. Select Setup > Payroll > Database Setup > Employee Configuration.
  2. Select the Profile ID that was previously created, and select the Earning tab.

    The system updates the table with the earnings codes set up in Payroll.

  3. Specify the settings for each earnings code set up in Sage 300 Payroll:
    • Sage HRMS. Double-click the cells in this column to select from the Sage HRMS earnings.
    • Conversion Factor. The conversion factor defaults to 1.00, but you can enter a number by which the earning rate should be multiplied (which can be a decimal to decrease it).
    • Dist Code Maps To. Select an organizational level code (such as a Division, Department, Location, or a user-defined code set up in Sage HRMS) for each earning.

      Note: You can leave this setting blank and instead select a specific distribution code from Sage HRMS with All Sage HRMS Codes Map to one Dist. Code.

    • All Sage HRMS Codes Map To One Dist. Code. Select an organizational level code (such as a Division, Department, Location, or a user-defined code set up in Sage HRMS) for each earning.

      The default value is the first distribution code related to the earning in Payroll.

    • Transfer Default Hour? Select Yes to have the system update the employee's default hours for this earning. The update passes the Hours/Units from the employee in Sage HRMS (Job and Pay > Current Pay) and posts to the Default Hours for the earning for the employee in Sage 300 Payroll (Pay tab).
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each Profile ID set up in Employee Configuration.