Custom Time Off reports

Sage HRMS provides the following custom Time Off reports that were created using SAP Crystal Reports.

Time Off reports


Report name Description
Absence Log

Lists the absence reason codes the employee has on record, along with the date, weekday, number of hours and comments regarding each absence. This report includes parameters for the Beginning Hire Date and Ending Hire Date.

Note: From the menu, select File > Print Preview. In the Enter Parameters Values window, enter the values to use for the report.

Absenteeism by Reason

Displays absenteeism by absent reason in a graphical layout.

Attendance Summary

Displays a summary of attendance information for each plan, including carryover hours, hours accrued, year-end eligibility, and hours taken.

Attendance Totals by Plan

Displays attendance totals for each active employee for each plan. The report includes the employee name, employee number, the plan ID, carryover, hours accrued, hours taken, and hours available as of the current accrual date.

Attendance YTD Detail

Displays detailed attendance plan information for each employee, including hours accrued, carryover, hours taken, hours available, and as of date. The report also shows each absence date, day, hours absent, and the absence reason.

Attendance YTD Totals

Displays a summary of carryover hours, hours accrued, taken, and available as of the current accrual date.