Custom HR reports

Sage HRMS provides the following custom HR reports that were created using SAP Crystal Reports.

HR reports


Report name Description
Age Listing

Lists employees sorted by age. The report includes employee age, birth date, employee name, job title, and organization levels.

Benefit Letter

Displays an employee's annual costs and contributions for both savings and insurance benefits. The report, in letter format, is designed to be printed on company letterhead and given to the employee.

Benefits Enrollment

Displays insurance benefits totals by employee. The report includes the employee monthly premium, employee monthly contribution, and the dependent monthly premium, along with the effective date of the plan.

Birthday List

Lists birthdays by birth month. The report includes the employee birth date, employee name, and employee address.

Blank HR

This report is designed to be used as a template for creating HR reports. It is linked to the employee master file and has the proper headers and footers.

Blood Donor List

Lists each employee's department and division, blood type, RH factor, last donation date, and the employee’s telephone extension.

Census Report

Displays information an insurance company may require when calculating the cost of providing insurance. The report includes detailed information for each employee including birth date, social security number, gender, employee type, occupation, annual salary, date of hire, marital status, and number of insured dependents.

Certificate of Coverage

Provides proof of previous health insurance coverage for the employee, including the date the coverage began and ended as well as any covered dependents.

You specify the Date of Certificate, Administrator Name, and Group Health Plan in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

Code Table Reports

Lists the codes defined in your code tables, such as job codes, event codes, and reason codes.

Dependent List

Lists employees, their dependents, including the dependent relationship, birth date, and social security number.

Dependent Update List

Lists employees and their dependents, including the dependent relationship, birth date, and social security number. Use the update information section to document changes to dependent information.

Drug Screen Listing

Lists the employee's name, date of the most recent drug test, its result, the number of years since the last test, and the date of the next test.

Emergency List

Lists employees and their emergency contacts.

Employee Address List

Displays employee demographic information, such as employee addresses and phone numbers.

Employee Benefits Summary

Lists employee insurance and savings benefits, including the associated costs. The report includes all plans that do not have an expiration date or have not expired (the expiration date is greater than the system date).

Employee Benefits With Dependents

Lists employee insurance and savings benefits, including dependent benefit information. The report includes all plans that do not have an expiration date or have not expired (the expiration date is greater than the system date).

Employee Count

Displays a count of all active and terminated employees.

Employee ID List

Displays the employee name and ID, job title, division, and department for each active employee.

Employee List

Displays active employees, including the employee name and ID, job title, original hire date, and annual salary. The report is sorted in ascending order by employee number.

Employee List by Name

Lists active employees sorted by employee name. The report includes the employee name, employee number, job title, division, and department for each active employee.

Employee Monthly New Hire List

Lists new employees grouped by division and department. The report includes the employee status, original hire date, and termination date.

You specify the Start Date in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

Employee Phone List

Provides a telephone directory for your employees. The report includes the employee name and ID, work telephone number, extension number, and organization levels.

Employee Profile

Displays detailed information for each employee, including demographic, dependent, HR, and current job data.

Employees With No Benefits

Lists employees who do not have any insurance benefits.

Event Report

Lists employee events, such as training, licenses, bonuses, professional memberships, company cars, or anything defined in the Events code table. The report includes the employee name, title, organization levels, event code, effective date, event description, next due date, and comments associated with each event.

Head Count By Division

Displays employees by division in a graphical layout.

Insurance Benefit Premium Summary

Lists employee insurance benefits and the associated costs. The report includes all insurance plans that do not have an expiration date or have not expired (the expiration date is greater than the system date).

Insurance Benefit Premium Totals by Plan

Displays the total premium for each plan as well as the number of employees enrolled in the plan. The report includes all insurance plans that do not have an expiration date or have not expired (the expiration date is greater than the system date).

Job Code Table With Salary Grades

Lists the defined job codes and the associated salary grades.

Mail Labels

Provides employees' names and addresses printed in a two-column label format. You can adjust the information to print on the desired label stock.

Merit As Of

Displays employees' merits received as of a certain date. The report includes the employee name, effective date, reason for the merit, and salary.

You specify the merit As Of Date in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

New Hire Log

Displays the new hires for a specific date range. The report includes the employee's effective date, employee name, title, employee status, pay rate, hours normally worked per pay period, and annual salary. The report provides the total of the new hire salaries, the average of the salaries, and the new hire count.

You specify the Beginning Hire Date and Ending Hire Date in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

New Hire Reporting Form

Displays the standard information most states require for new hire reporting, include Employer FEIN, Employer Name, Employer Address, Employer Contact, Employer Contact Phone, Employee Name, Employee Address, Employee SSN, Employee DOB, Employee Hire Date, and New Hire Date Range.

You can modify this report to comply with your state’s requirements. Contact your state for details about submitting the New Hire Reporting Form.

You specify the Beginning Hire Date and Ending Hire Date in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

OSHA 300 Illness Detail

Displays information about employee illness cases as required by OSHA 300 report standards. The report includes the case number, date, and employee ID. The report classifies totals by OSHA categories for Illness Types, Severity, and Number of Days.

You specify the Start Date, End Date, and Case Types (including Recordable, Nonrecordable, or All Cases) in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

OSHA 300 Illness Summary

Displays a count of employee illness cases as required by OSHA 300 report standards. The report classifies totals by OSHA categories for Illness Types, Severity, and Number of Days.

You specify the Start Date, End Date, and Case Types (including Recordable, Nonrecordable, or All Cases) in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

OSHA 300 Injury Detail

Displays information about employee injury cases as required by OSHA 300 report standards. The report classifies totals by OSHA categories for Severity and Number of Days.

You specify the Start Date, End Date, and Case Types (including Recordable, Nonrecordable, or All Cases) in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

OSHA 300 Injury Summary

Displays a count of employee injury cases as required by OSHA 300 report standards. The report classifies totals by OSHA categories for Severity and Number of Days.

You specify the Start Date, End Date, and Case Types (including Recordable, Nonrecordable, or All Cases) in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

OSHA 300 Log Detail

Displays the number or work-related illnesses and injuries sustained by employees within a given time period.

You specify the Start Date, End Date, and Case Types (including Recordable, Nonrecordable, or All Cases) in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

Physical Exams Due

Displays the date of the employee's last physical exam, the result of the exam, the date of the next physical, the number of years since the last physical, and the telephone extension.

Promotion List

Displays an employee's old job title, new job title, and the effective date of the new job.

You specify the Start Date and End Date in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

Salary Analysis by Division, Department and Location

Lists employees' salaries by Division, Department, and Location. The report includes years of service, performance rating, and comparatio.

Salary Analysis by Job Code

Lists employees' salaries by Job Code. The report includes years of service, performance rating, and comparatio.

Salary Analysis by Name

Lists employees' salaries by employee name. The report includes years of service, performance rating, and comparatio.

Salary Grade

Lists each employee’s salary and pay grade including the minimum, maximum and mid point of the salary grade.

Salary History

Displays an employee's salary history. The report includes pay rates, increase amounts, and percentages.

Salary Review Form

Displays salary information, including salary history and percent of increase. The report provides a form to submit job/salary changes.

Savings Benefit Coverage By Employee

Lists employee savings benefits, including the associated contribution amounts. The report includes all plans that do not have an expiration date or have not expired (the expiration date is greater than the system date).


Lists scheduled tasks, including the completion date and the person who scheduled the task.

Skills Listing

Lists each employee's skills, including years of experience in each skill and a comment area that provides short details about each skill.

Spouse List

Lists employees and their spouses.

Terminated Employee Name List

Lists terminated employees, including employee name and ID, termination date, and termination reason.

Transfer Log

Lists employees who transferred within a specified date range.

You specify the Start Date and End Date in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

Turnover Statistics

Displays turnover statistics within a specified date range. The turnover statistics are calculated based on the Service Length. The report includes the termination type, date, terminated employee name and title, and service length. The report displays the turnover rate and summary statistics for each termination type.

You specify the Start Date, End Date, and Service Length (including Adjusted Seniority, Original Hire, or Last Hire) in the Enter Parameters Values window (accessed by selecting File > Print Preview).

Vets 100 Summary List

Lists the number of employees by job category for each Vets 100 category. The report includes newly hired veterans by category and total new hires for the specified 12 month period.

Vets 100 Detail List

Lists employee names and IDs by job category for each Vets 100 category. The report includes newly hired veterans by category and total new hires for the specified 12 month period.

Vets 100A Summary List

Lists the number employees by job category for each Vets 100A category. The report includes newly hired veterans by category and total new hires for the specified 12 month period. The report displays a summarized list of the required report data in the Information on Employees section of the VETS-100A form.

Vets 100A Detail List

Lists employee names and IDs by job category for each Vets 100A category. The report includes newly hired veterans by category and total new hires for the specified 12 month period. The report displays a detailed list of the required report data in the Information on Employees section of the VETS-100A form.