Removing an Employee from Payroll Calculation

If you have inadvertently included an employee in your payroll calculation you can remove the employee's pay without being forced to recalculate payroll for all employees.

Before you start

Print and review the Pre-Check Payroll Register immediately after calculating payroll to catch any payroll mistakes as early as possible.

If you have not yet printed and approved paychecks for the pay period when you discover that an employee was inadvertently included in the payroll calculation, you can perform the steps to follow.

To Remove the Pay for an Employee

  1. On the Employee Payroll window, select the record for the employee.
  2. Turn off all earnings/deductions for the employee by setting Calculate? to No for each earning/deduction.
  3. On the Calculate Payroll window, use the same pay period end date as you used in the original calculation and recalculate payroll only for the employee who was inadvertently paid.
  4. Click Process.
  5. When the Erase–Merge message box opens, select Merge from the dialog box to clear the employee’s unposted activity from the previous calculation and replace it with the new calculation.

After Calculating Payroll

Print and review the Pre-Check Payroll Register, in Payroll Transaction Reports, immediately after calculating payroll to verify that the results are what you intended.