Using the Scheduler

The Scheduler lets you schedule tasks, information, or system events for yourself or someone else. When you schedule these items, they appear in either the Task, Information, or System Event list on the Organizer.

Note: Tasks can only be scheduled for users who have access to the tasks. For example, you might want to schedule your coworker, Liz, to delete several employees from the database. However, Liz does not have security access to the Delete Employee Record task. Therefore, you cannot schedule this task for her.

The Organizer first displays the lists according to the item's priority you designate when you schedule the item. Items with the highest priority appear at the top of the list while items with the lowest priority appear at the bottom. The Organizer then sorts the items in the order in which they were scheduled.

An item appears on your Organizer until it is completed or deleted.

To schedule a task or information item

  1. With the Organizer open, click Add on the Organizer toolbar.
  2. In the Scheduler window, select the type of item you are scheduling—either Task or Information.
  3. If you are scheduling a task, select the Activity containing the task.

    Example: To schedule the Mass Update task, select Process. To schedule the Rehire Employee task, select Action.

  4. If you are scheduling a task, select the Product from the list of all Sage HRMS products as well as System (for activities pertaining to your entire system rather than an individual product).
  5. For To Be Done, enter the date on which the item is scheduled for completion in mm/dd/yyyy format. For example, enter March 27, 2024 as 03272024; (dashes are automatically shown). The item appears on the Organizer on this date.

    Note: The Scheduled date is the date that this item was added and cannot be changed.

  6. Make additional selections or enter additional information about the task or information item. Details...

  7. Click OK to save the new item and add it to the Task or Information list in the Organizer for the assigned user (specified in Scheduled For).

To schedule a task in Microsoft Outlook

When you schedule a task in the Scheduler, you can also have it scheduled in Outlook. To do this, open the User Preferences page and select the Automatically schedule tasks in Microsoft Outlook check box on the General Preferences tab. See Setting user preferences.

When the task is added to the Scheduler, an email of the task is sent to the person for whom it is scheduled. When they accept the task, it is scheduled in their Outlook Task Manager. If the person declines the task in Outlook, an email is sent to the person who scheduled the task; however, the task is not updated in the Scheduler.

When the task is completed in Sage HRMS, it is automatically marked as completed in Outlook.

Note: Refer to the Microsoft Outlook online help for further information regarding the features of Outlook.

To schedule a System Event

A System Event pertains to all users on the system—so it is automatically placed in the System Event list in every Sage HRMS user's Organizer. This enables you to communicate with all other users on the system about the event.

You schedule a System Event like you schedule a task except you select System Event for Priority in the Scheduler window

Example 1: You want to perform the Mass Update process in Sage HRMS on December 5 at 5:00 p.m. You need all other users on the system to exit Sage HRMS before 5:00 so you can run the process.

In the Scheduler, you add a task with the Mass Update process, set the Priority to System Event, set To Be Done to 12/5, and enter the following message in the Notes area:
Mass Update will occur at 5:00 today, December 5. Please exit Sage HRMS by 4:55 p.m.

  • The Mass Update process appears on everyone's Organizer in the System Event section on December 5. Users can view the note by clicking the + button next to the item to open the scheduler, or by right-clicking the item to open the Notes window.
  • The Mass Update process task only appears in the Task section of the person scheduled to complete it.

Example 2: You routinely perform email maintenance every Friday at 5:30 p.m. and want all users to exit email before you begin maintenance work.

Since this is not a system task, you add an information item, set the Frequency to Weekly and Fridays, set the Priority to System Event, and enter the following message in the Notes area:
Please exit email by 5:30 today for weekly maintenance.

The information item is placed on everyone's Organizer in the System Event section on Fridays. Users can view the note by clicking the + button next to the item to open the scheduler, or by right-clicking the item to open the Notes window.

Note: Only the user for whom the system event is scheduled can edit, delete, or reschedule the system event.