About Employee Cost Center Override Segments

If you use the override feature for posting to payroll cost centers, on the Cost Center tab of the Employee Payroll window you can set up employee-specific G/L segment codes. The system uses these codes as the default segment codes to post each earning/deduction assigned to an employee. Once set up, in the Employee Payroll window and on the Cost Centertab > Earnings/Deductions field, you can override the employee-specific segment codes for a particular earning/deduction.

  • The segments you selected on the Payroll G/L Integration window for use in cost center posting and the codes defined for the employee on the Cost Center tab of the Employee Payroll window display, allowing you to override the segment code for a particular employee earning/deduction. The G/L segment codes you enter will be used to override the G/L segment codes in the distribution accounts.
  • At each of the G/L segment override fields, the system displays the G/L segment code you entered on the Employee Cost Center tab. You can accept the default, override it with another segment code, or blank the field. If you accept the default, the system will always use that segment code as the G/L account segment override even if you subsequently change the segment code for that segment on the Employee Cost Center tab. If you blank the field, the system will post to the distribution account segment entered on the G/L Distribution tab.

Example of Cost Center Override Segments

Suppose you set up an employee named John O'Brien. On the Cost Center tab of the Employee Payroll window, you set up department 101 as John O'Brien's segment code for G/L segment 1, which you defined as Department. When you assign an earning/deduction to John O'Brien on the Pay tab, the system defaults department 101 as the value in the Override Department field. If you accept the default, the system will always override the first segment of the G/L account to which this earning/deduction posts with the value 101, even if you later change the department entered for John on the Cost Center tab to 202.

You can also set up certain types of earnings, deductions, and benefits for cost center overrides where cost amounts are distributed based on the earning or deduction's calculation base. To learn more about this process, view Cost Center Override Allocated Based on Calc Base.