Using the manager's time off calendar
Use this page to see the time off requests for your direct reports in a calendar grid.
- The days of the selected month are shown across the top of the grid.
- Each employee is listed on a separate row.
- Approved and taken time off requests are shown in a solid color on the requested day. Pending or rejected requests are shown with a border color. The color used depends on the time off plan, as shown in the legend near the bottom of the page.
Initially the grid shows the days for the current month. The current date is highlighted.
To change the month, click the calendar icon after Month to display the months in the current year, and then click the name of the month.
If you want to change the year, click the calendar icon after Month, click < or > to display the previous or next year, and then click the name of the month in that year.
Tip: If you click the calendar icon but decide not to change the month, just click outside the month area.
If any of your direct reports have employees who work for them, the icon displays to the left of their name. Click the icon to refresh the grid to show the time off requests for those employees.
The drop-down list near the upper left of the page shows the name of the manager. You can select My Direct Reports in the drop-down list to refresh the grid to show the time off requests for your direct report.
Example: John Smith is your direct report but has employees reporting to him. If you click to the left of his name, the drop-down list now shows:
Direct Reports for Smith, John
When you hover over a time off request in the calendar, a hover window opens that shows the date, the employee's name, and the following information in a table:
- The time off plan
- The start and end dates of the request
- The number of hours requested
- The start and end times (If entered by the employee)
- The status of the request, such as Pending or Approved
On the left side of the calendar grid, click the name of the employee to open their Time Off details page for their primary plan.
This page shows:
- Tiles on the left showing the employee's various time off plans and their balances
- Information about how the balance of that plan was calculated
- A table of their time off requests for that plan, including the dates, hours, and status of the requests.
If an attachment was added to the request in Sage HRMS, click(the Attachment icon) at the end of the row to access it.
If there are Pending requests in the table, you can approve or reject the employee’s request in your Message Center.
To see the employee's time off requests for another plan, click the tile for that plan on the left side of the page.