Length of Service page
This page contains a table showing the following information for your direct reports and (if permitted) your indirect reports:
Length of Service: The number of years and months that the employee worked for this employer
Note: The date used to calculate the length of service is shown near the top of the page.
- Next Anniversary Date: The next date that this employee will reach their next full year of service
- Last Hire Date: The most recent date that this employee was hired.
- Original Hire Date: The date that this employee was first hired by the employer
- Adjusted Seniority Date: The date used to calculate seniority. Initially this is the same as the Original Hire Date, but it may have been adjusted to give credit for more seniority.
- Employer Code: The code for the employer
Tip: If the table contains many employees, you can also search for a specific employee by selecting Employee Last Name for Search, typing the first few letters of their last name, and clicking Go.
To see more information about a specific employee, (the View icon) at the end of that row.
- Time Off: Service Date: The date used to calculate service for Time Off, which may be the same as the hire date
- Time Off: Years, Months: The years and months of the employee's service, which is calculated from the Time Off: Service Date
Tip: You can easily move to another employee's Length of Service page by (the Previous icon) or
(the Next icon)