Job page
This page contains a table showing the current job title and status for your direct reports and (if permitted) your indirect reports:
Tip: If the table contains many employees, you can also search for a specific employee by selecting Employee Last Name for Search, typing the first few letters of their last name, and clicking Go.
To see more details about a specific employee, (the View icon) at the end of that row.
- Job Title
- Hire Date: The date they were hired by this employer
- Exempt Status
- Overtime Eligible
- Employee Status: The status of the employe, such as ACTIVE or LOA (leave of absence)
- Employee Type
- Job Start Date: The date that the employe started in this job
- In Position: The number of years and months the employe has been in this job
- Manager: The name of their current manager
Email Address: The business email address of their current manager
Tip: Click
(the email icon) to open a new message in your email program to be sent to this email address.
- Supervisor: The name of their current supervisor
- Email Address: The business email address of their current supervisor
- Job Classification
- Organization levels: The employe's place in each level of the organization
If they have a secondary job, this page may also display a table with information about that job, which may include the date range, job title, and salary information.
This page may also display a table of their job history, which may include their job title, start date, manager's name, and supervisor's name.
Tip: You can easily move to another employee's Job page by (the Previous icon) or
(the Next icon)