Creating security questions
The system administrator can use the Create Security Questions page to create custom security questions. You can select them (as well as the security questions provided by Sage) on the Logon Setup page to be choices for employees when they set up their logon security.
Note: Employees can create also their own security question. On the Change Logon page, they select Write my own question from the Security Question list, type the question on the next line, and then type the answer for Security Answer.
To create and manage custom security questions
- Log on to HRMS Employee Self Service as the Master user.
On the System Administrator menu, select Custom Content > Create Security Questions.
The Create Security Questions page shows the custom security questions that were already created.
To add a new security question:
- Click New.
- For Question, type the text of the security question.
- Click Save.
- To edit an existing security question, click it, make your changes, and click Save.
To delete an existing security question, click
(the Delete icon).
Note: You cannot delete a security question that is selected on the Logon Setup page.
To select the custom security questions for use
- Log on to HRMS Employee Self Service as the Master user.
- On the System Administrator menu, select Roles and Logon > Logon Setup.
The Security Questions section near the bottom of the Logon Setup page shows your custom security questions below the security questions provided by Sage). Select the check box before the questions that you want to be available for employees to choose when they set up their logon security.
Note: You must select at least five but no more than ten security questions.
- When you are finished, click Save.