ESS Mobility
Through HRMS ESS Mobility, employees and their managers can access many of their Sage HRMS Employee Self Service activities through a smartphone or other web-enabled mobile device. HRMS ESS Mobility currently works on the following devices with data connectivity:
- iOS devices
- Android devices
- Windows mobile devices

From within HRMS ESS Mobility, employees can do the following:
- View payment history, including details for a selected check stub or advice
- View Time off balances
- Request Time off, and view Time off approvals
- View messages, including:
- New requests for Time off
- New Time off approvals
- New messages
- View a current benefits summary
- Access custom links and files set up for employees under My Menus

HRMS ESS Mobility recognizes when a user is a manager, and automatically adds to the basic employee functions the following manager functions:
- Access to management-related activities through message links
- Review, approval, rejection, and comments for Time off requests
- Fast access to emergency contacts information for direct reports

To connect to HRMS ESS Mobility, you must already have access to HRMS Employee Self Service. To start an ESS Mobility session:
1. Open a browser session on your mobile device.
2. Enter the same URL you use to access HRMS Employee Self Service from a computer.
3. When prompted, enter your Username and Password.
Note: In ESS Mobility, you can only access the pages you can access through ESS on a computer, which are determined by your security settings.