Open Enrollment - Welcome Page page

Use this page of the Open Enrollment setup wizard to enter:

  • Text for an open enrollment welcome message
  • Text for an employee enrollment announcement
  • The name, email address, and phone number for the person to contact for questions

Items on the Welcome page


Item Description

Open Enrollment Welcome Page Text

Type the message the employee will see on the first page (the Welcome page) when they begin their open enrollment. View...

Example: Welcome to Open Enrollment for the benefit plan year beginning January 1. There are some exciting changes for the new benefits year! You have until September 30 to enroll in plans for the new plan year.

Announcement Notification Text

Type the text of the announcement to be sent to the employees' Message Center to announce the upcoming open enrollment period. It should give them information about when they can start their enrollment and any other instructions they need before they begin.

The notification will be sent when the Benefits Administrator completes the Process Enrollment process. It will be sent to only those employees who have not yet started enrollment for the selected period.

Example: Open Enrollment for the 2022 benefit plan year will begin September 15, 2021 and end at midnight on September 30, 2021. Please review the instructions provided in your Benefit Plan booklet before you begin your enrollment.

Contact Information

Type the name, email address, and phone number for the person the employee should contact if they have questions about the open enrollment.

This contact information will display on the first page (the Welcome page) when employees begin their open enrollment. View...


Next step

After making selections for the items on this page, click > to go to the next page of the wizard, which is the Open Enrollment - Links page.