Related topics

Change Password

Employee User Licenses

Logon Maintenance

Creating security questions

Logon Setup

The Master user can set the logon requirements for employees to access HRMS Employee Self Service. These rules apply to all employees in all companies in your system and include:

  • Information an employee must provide to set up a logon and access the system
  • Status that employees must have to be permitted to log on
  • Password properties (such as length and expiration)
  • Number of failed attempts before an employee is locked out
  • Number of logon history entries to maintain

Note: The system validates the logon settings only when the employee logs on to the system. Even if an employee is locked out of the system, they can still create a logon or change or reset their password, but they cannot log on to the system.

To specify logon settings

  1. Log on to HRMS Employee Self Service as the Master user.
  2. On the System Administrator menu, select Roles and Logon > Logon Setup.
  3. On the Logon Setup page for Initial Logon Fields, select the check boxes for one or more fields (such as Last Name or Employee Number). When an employee creates a new logon or requests to have their password emailed to them, they must enter this information.

    If your company that has two or more employees with the same last name, select a combination of check boxes that includes more than just Last Name, such as:

    • Last Name and SSN/SIN
    • First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth

    Note: For security reasons, the social security number (or social insurance number) is masked (in the same way as a password) when entered on the Create New Logon page or the Change or Reset Password page.

  4. In the Employee Status area, select the check boxes for one or more employee statuses for employees who are allowed to create a logon, change their password, and log on to the system. If their status does not match a selected status, they are not allowed to create a logon.
  5. In the Self Service Password Properties area, specify the properties. ClosedMore...

    Items in the Self Service Password Properties area


    Item Description
    check box Disallow User Information Select this check box to prohibit the password from containing the username, first name, last name, or company ID
    check box Disallow Similar Password Select this check box to prohibit the password from being similar to previous passwords. For example, passwords that increment (Password1, Password2, Password3) will not be allowed.
    Minimum Length (Required) Enter the minimum number of characters (from 4 to 24) for the length of the password.
    Minimum Numeric (Required) Enter the minimum number of numeric characters in the password.
    Min. Uppercase Characters (Required) Enter the minimum number of uppercase characters in the password.
    Min. Lowercase Characters (Required) Enter the minimum number of lowercase characters in the password.
    Min. Special Characters (Required) Enter the minimum number of special characters in the password.
    Expires Every
    __ Days

    Enter the number of days after which a password expires. This number can be from 0 to 999.

    If the password will not expire, enter 0 or leave this item blank.

    Allow Reuse After __ Changes

    Enter the number of times that a password must be changed before a previously-used password can be reused. This number can be from 0 to 99.

    To allow a password to be reused at any time, enter 0 or leave this item blank.

    Example: This item is set to 3. A user sets her password to daisy. When the password expires, she cannot use daisy again until after she has changed her password 3 more times.

    Note: It is good practice to give your employees guidelines for creating strong passwords.

  6. In the Logon Properties area, specify the properties. ClosedMore...

    Items in the Logon Properties area


    Item Description
    Lock Logon After __ Failed Attempts

    Enter the number of failed logon attempts allowed before the employee is automatically blocked from logging on.

    If you never want to lock the logon, enter 0 or leave this item blank.

    When failed logon attempts cause a lockout, the Status on the employee's Logon Maintenance page is automatically changed to Locked

    Unlock Users Automatically After __ Minutes

    If want to have a locked logon automatically unlocked after a certain number of minutes, enter the number of minutes.

    Note: This only applies when the system locks a user's logon after a number of failed logon attempts. This does not automatically unlock users who were manually locked out (by changing their logon status manually to Locked on the employee's Logon Maintenance page).

    If you do not want to automatically unlock users, leave this item blank.

    Maintain Logon History __ Records

    To display logon history on each employee's Logon Maintenance page, enter a number from 0 to 99 for the number of history entries to show.

    If you do not want to track or display the logon history, enter 0 or leave this item blank.

    check box Enable Two Factor Authentication Select this check box to require employees to answer their security question correctly to log into HRMS Employee Self Service.

    Note: It is good practice to give your employees guidelines for creating strong passwords.

  7. In the Logon Reset Message area, enter a custom message that your employees will see when cannot successfully log on and they click the Username and Password Help link on the HRMS Employee Self Service Logon page.

    The maximum length of the message is 255 characters. If you leave the message area blank, the system displays the default message, which is "Contact your administrator for assistance."

    We recommend that you give specific instructions for dealing with lost or forgotten user names and passwords. Example...

  8. Review the User Licenses area. The system keeps track of how many user licenses were purchased, how many are currently in use, and how many are still available. See Employee user licenses.
  9. Unless your system is set up for Windows Authentication, you must select five security questions in the Security Questions area of the page.

    When an employee creates a new logon on the Create New Logon page, they choose one of these security questions and provide a security answer. Later, when the employee attempts to change or reset their password, their chosen question is presented. If the answer they provide does not match the answer they specified when they created their logon, they are returned to the Employee Logon page with a message that the logon information could not be verified.

    Note: After you select the security questions and save the information, you cannot remove a selection that an employee has chosen (because the question has become part of the employee’s logon history).

  10. When you are finished, click Save.

    The settings apply the next time an employee logs on to the system. For example, if a terminated employee is currently logged on to the system and you change the Employee Status to lock out terminated employees, terminated employees still have access to their pages until they log off. However, they will be locked out the next time they try to log on.